The ultimate motor-trade management software data display system

Sightdrive brings together key data points together with budgets and targets and displays what is necessary on a dedicated screen, thus allowing managers to encourage staff to, take action that may be necessary such as;-reduce WIP, improve customer handling, change van routes, increase margins, push various add-on products or whatever is deficient thus affecting the department and site ‘health’ score.

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Sightdrive takes your dealership
to the next level.

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Sightdrive is leading the way.

Take your business to new heights with our simple, flexible and powerful data analysis software.

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Sightdrive has revolutionised the way we run our dealership.

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Annual savings in staff costs due to Sightdrive


Saved by automated reporting each week


Increase in workshop staff performance

Reporting software built by motor-dealers for motor-dealers

Founded in 2021 by Ben Duckworth and ….., Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis pretium mauris. Donec sit amet tellus eget felis sodales malesuada. Nam dapibus suscipit enim, ut blandit quam tempor sit amet.

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